Leading by example – the proGIreg way

Leading by example – the proGIreg way

19 January 2022

The proGIreg group gathered together in the first meeting in January 2022 online with Follower City Zenica and Front-runner city Zagreb sharing information on their current nature-based solutions plans. The cities share many similarities, and Zagreb’s gradual and inclusive approach to renewing a post-industrial district has proven a valuable learning lesson for Zenica which is in the planning stages. Read more below to learn about the cities process, and to learn about how proGIreg will support other cities to incorporate nature-based solutions.

Zagreb’s therapeutic garden is in busy use alongside an info centre, with the garden plots tended by users in support of the horticultural department of the city. Further modernization plans for the Living Lab entail new solar powered water pumps and a distribution network to bring water to individual gardens in an efficient manner. Through these pumps water is purified by solar photo catalysis, making it potable. The mini-modular urban farm in the Living Lab combines green roofs, green walls and aquaponics, and operates communal electricity and solar power. Currently a variety of herbs and plants are cultivated alongside carp fish. In 2022 the Living Lab will engage in educational and dissemination activities in the mini-modular farm to engage citizens and to finalise plans for local environmental compensation processes. A new green cycling path connecting the new neighbourhood and Sesvete centre is in progress. Zagreb is also engaging in extensive monitoring of its urban gardens throughout the city with an innovative online system, which in addition to geographical conditions includes considerations for social inclusion in the urban gardens, to ensure the solutions are serving citizens and are sustainable in the long-term.

Zenica continues their nature-based solutions planning, by identifying suitable areas throughout the city, preparing spatial plans and engaging local actors and stakeholders. The city’s ambitious vision entails creating green corridors for cycling and walking, regenerating an old landfill area for activities, green walls and roofs, and creating urban community gardens. The city has engaged in extensive risk and barrier analysis. These entail limited resources and the difficulties of integrating nature-based solutions in decision making, however proGIreg partners in Zenica are exploring viable avenues for implementation in the existing infrastructural reform plans in the city: “The role of the city is to provide services, but one can create compromises, for example - sure we need to build a garage, but can that garage have a green roof?” - Amra Mehmedić, Head of Economic Development, City of Zenica, stated.

Photo: Zenica's vision mapping

In 2022 the proGIreg partners will support Zenica, and the other Follower Cities realize these plans – bringing the cities together, to help them learn from the Front-runners experiences and other case studies of successful implementation that match the context of the Follower cities. The replication of the nature-based solutions is supported by robust research and methodology. Aspects such as citizen’s needs, environmental and institutional context and financial, social and policy considerations are all factored in when helping the Follower Cities plan their approach.

ProGIreg will organise replication workshops in 2022 in the project cities, to strengthen co-creation, facilitate knowledge sharing, define opportunities and potential locations for nature-based solutions replication within the cities. Further mentoring opportunities are planned to support Follower Cities and other interested parties to identify opportunities for nature-based solutions implementation. Read more about proGireg's methodology and plans for replication of nature-based solutions here.

Top photo: Building a green wall in Zagreb

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement no. 776528. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the proGIreg project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.