Accessible green corridors

Needed for transporting goods, rivers were a common feature of early industrialization. Nowadays in post-industrial cities, they are often left derelict and inaccessible for locals.

While other existing projects are involved in renaturing the rivers and green corridors of the Living Labs, the focus of proGIreg is to improve the accessibility to these green corridors so that the cities become more livable and locals can connect more to nature.



The local team has transformed a stretch of road into a green corridor connecting the residential area with the Mirafiori Castle and Piemonte Park. The construction work was accompanied by a strong engagement process and planting of grasses, shrubs and trees, as well as placing landmarks and signs, providing information about the site. Read all about it in the factsheet.


A new cycling and pedestrian path was built and finished in September 2023. The path contributes to an integral pedestrian and cycling network within the larger area. It connects the areas to the east and west of the former meat processing industrial zone, making the area accessible and safer for the inhabitants of Sesvete and the Novi Jelkovec housing estate. Read the factsheet.


The renatured Deusenberg landfill site has been developed into a recreation area frequently visited by walkers, joggers and bird-watchers. A 2.5 m wide path  - accessible for wheelchair users as well as cyclists - was built to connect the existing Emscher river path with a paved maintenance road south of Deusenberg, as a first step to improve the overall path network around the former landfill. Adjacent drainage was constructed to lead the collected rain water of the path into the Emscher river.  See factsheet for more details.


Piraeus intends to bring more nature to its densely populated streets by introducing a network of green corridors. Additionally, there are plans in place to introduce more green elements to the the waterfront.


Through an open design competition, Cluj-Napoca will improve accessibility to the Someș river and green inter-connections between neighbourhoods. Cycle paths will provide health mobility alternatives.



Zenica intends to improve the quality of life for locals by creating new cycle and walking paths along rivers, previously used and degraded by industry.


Cascais plans to improve accessibility to green river corridors and create recreational areas for local citizens to enjoy.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement no. 776528. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the proGIreg project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.