Cascais Urban Plan




The Cascais Urban Plan aims to regenerate two neighbourhoods through enhanced interconnectivity and accessible river corridors. This unlocks the potential in fragmented land and facilitates the application of the local Land Bank Policy for urban agriculture.

Other initiatives include greening a parking lot for improved public spaces and realizing a multifunctional area that acts as both an attractor and buffer for highway-adjacent housing areas.

Click on the NBS icons on the map and the boxes in the corner to find out more about Cascais' Urban Plan with this interactive map


Green infrastructure Buildings and amenities Ownership of relevant plots Nature Based Solutions
NBS 3.0 NBS 3.1 NBS 3.2 NBS 6.3 NBS 6.4 NBS 6.1+8.1 NBS 6.2+8.2
image/svg+xmlWalkway by theVegetable GardenNBS6Greening theParking LotNBS6Urban Agricultural AreasUrban Agricultural AreasUrban Agricultural AreasNBS3NBS3NBS3Pollinator-friendly Pedestrian GreenTrail along the Vegetable GardensNBS8NBS6Pollinator-friendly PedestrianGreen Trail along the RiverPollinator-friendly Pedestrian GreenTrail along the RiverNBS6NBS6NBS8NBS8MultiuseGreen AreasNBS3Community Garden(existing)NBS3

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement no. 776528. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the proGIreg project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.