Monitoring and assessing the benefits of nature-based solutions
To understand the impact of the interventions, proGIreg carried out a comprehensive evaluation of the implemented nature-based solutions. The aims were to gain knowledge on the cost-effectiveness of nature-based solutions, establish a replicable model for assessing them and to quantify their benefits to society.
The monitoring and assessment plan is the proGIreg manual for evaluating the benefits of nature-based solutions in front-runner cities. The data management plan details what data is being collected and how it will be managed and made accessible during and after the end of the project. The protocols of measurement present the indicators for measuring the four assessment domains – socio-cultural inclusiveness, increased human health and well-being, ecological and environmental restoration, and economic and labour market benefits.
Cities collected data throughout the project based on the proGIreg plans and protocols. A mid-term report on the preliminary results helped inform on necessary improvements for the remainder of the project. At the end of the project a final evaluation of the results was released.
Guidelines for scaling up monitoring of nature-based solutions in cities were also created, to guide the monitoring on a larger scale, also for use after the end of the project.
Evaluating the impacts of nature-based solutions
The Handbook provides decision-makers with a comprehensive NBS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions, based on case-studies from H2020 funded NBS projects, with a contribution from proGIreg.
Monitoring and assessment plan (D4.1)
This document is a manual describing the general proGIreg procedure for monitoring and assessing benefits of nature-based solutions both in front-runner and follower cities.
Data management plan (D4.2)
This document describes in detail what data will be collected during the project and how the collected data will be managed during and after the end of the research project.
Protocols of measurements (D4.3)
This document presents in detail the protocols of measurement for each nature-based solution.
Database (D4.4)
This document highlights the main features of the proGIreg data platform, describing both, the platform software architecture and its operation.
Report on benefits produced by implemented NBS (D4.5)
This intermediate report monitors and assesses implemented NBS, and changes and encountered barriers, and covers the preliminary results on the effectiveness of the implemented NBS.
Database update (D4.7)
This document is the updated report, highlighting the main features of the proGIreg data platform, describing both, the platform software architecture and its operation.
Living Labs impact at district level (D4.8)
This report presents a comprehensive overview of the benefits produced by the implemented NBS at district level, across four domains assessing: 1) socio-cultural inclusiveness; 2) increased health and well-being; 3) ecological and environmental restoration; and 4) economy and labour market benefits.
Living Labs impact at NBS level (D4.9)
This report presents a comprehensive overview of the benefits produced by the nature-based solutions locally.
Project impact and take home message of best-practices (D4.10)
This report presents an executive summary for stakeholders on the impact of the proGIreg project.