European Urban Resilience Forum Session: a Post-industrial Revolution with Nature!

European Urban Resilience Forum Session: a Post-industrial Revolution with Nature!

14 September 2022, 14:00 - 15:30

Athens, Greece - Technopolic

How should future cities look and feel? Some cities are doing the necessary work to create a post-industrial transition with nature. They are not merely becoming ‘sustainable’ – but attractive, resilient, healthy, inclusive, aesthetic and engaging. This session will delve into innovative nature-based solutions (NBS) that have been implemented to reinvent post-industrial districts. Join the European Urban Resilience Forum to learn more!

The session will delve into how nature-based solutions have been used to create well-being, resilience, circular water and spaces for respite and activity, with experts on NBS implementation to revive degraded urban districts as speakers. Among the speakers the session will see proGIreg experts Iva Bedenko, Architect & Expert Advisor on Preparation and Implementation of Regional and International Projects, City of Zagreb present on how NBS have been used to increase well-being in the project Living Lab area of Sesvete. Another proGIreg researcher Laura Guaita, Specialist in Urban and Landscape Design at KEAN will discuss how urban and landscape design has been used in the project to create more aesthetic and welcoming spaces for respite and activity. Teresa Ribeiro, Expert at the Department of Urban Green Spaces in Cascais (a proGIreg city) will discuss the inclusive approach of the municipal environmental department and efficient transformation of creating green spaces throughout the city. Further Anacleto Rizzo, Expert of R&D and design of Constructed Wetlands, Nature-based solutions, Green Infrastucture, SuDS at Iridra  will share his experiences from the NICE, MULTISOURCE, HYDROUSA and NAWAMED projects on how NBS have been used to create sustainable and circular water in urban areas.

Learn more about the session here!


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement no. 776528. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the proGIreg project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.